

Leo Babauta – USA 

A simplicity manifesto in the Age of Distraction

Part two

“Most of what we say and do is not essential. If you
can eliminate it, you’ll have more time, and more
tranquillity. Ask yourself at every moment, ‘Is this
Marcus Aurelius

If you’re someone who creates, in any way, focus should be important to you.

Read more: Focus

Changing Perspectives and Converging Values (plus a response by Edi Bilimoria)

R. C. Tampi – India

[Prof. R. C. Tampi is a former president of the Kerala Federation and a national lecturer of the Theosophical Society in India. He has been organizing School of the Wisdom classes in Adyar for several years. Prof. Tampi’s article was published in the Theosophist 133.9 (June, 2012): 12-16. A few editorial changes have been made in accordance with Theosophy Forward style.]

Perspectives and Values: If we just cast a glance around, we would be shaken by the sickening sights of pain and penury, war and violence — the result of the perverted perception of man. Surprisingly, the US astronauts and the Soviet cosmonauts who had a view of Earth from space were alike struck not only by the beauty of the continents but also by their closeness to one another and their essential unity. An astronaut who saw Earth from space as a shining blue pearl in the surrounding vastness confessed to a spiritually transforming experience. The broader the perspective, the higher will be the values it engenders.

Read more: Changing Perspectives and Converging Values (plus a response by Edi Bilimoria)


Leo Babauta – USA 

A simplicity manifesto in the Age of Distraction

Part one

How to focus…

About focus

This book, “focus”, is by Leo Babauta, creator of zen habits and minimalist. It was written publicly, online, in small bursts, with feedback from readers throughout the writing process. It would be much worse without their wonderful help.

Read more: Focus

Conflict Prevention

Juan Carlos Murillo Gonzales – Costa Rica 

Full title:


[This talk was given during the meeting of International Theosophy Conferences: “KARMIC CYCLES: WHEELS OF SPIRITUAL GROWTH”, in Wheaton, Illinois, August 9-12, 2012.]

Juan Carlos Murillo Gonzales

Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to be here today and to present some ideas related to the international protection of refugees, particularly as regards to some field examples on how to promote conflict prevention, conflict resolution and reconciliation among forcibly displaced populations. 

Over the past years, I have been in contact and benefited from the close friendship and exchange of ideas with theosophists living in Costa Rica and The Netherlands. I believe that those discussions have helped me to have a quite different and broader perspective of life, the world and the way I do my work for the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), particularly in the field of promotion of international refuge law.

Read more: Conflict Prevention

Developments in Theosophy-Science extract

Edi Bilimoria – The U.K.

The TS has attracted and (hopefully) will continue to attract scientists of the highest calibre. Leaving aside to the realm of Theosophical folklore the question whether Einstein possessed a copy of the SD, in the early days the TS attracted such luminaries of sc as Crookes, Lodge, Edison were members of the TS. But I would like to concentrate on and acknowledge the contribution of those scientists whom I had the privilege of knowing personally and for decades, most of whom were instrumental in what is known as the TRC. (Theosophical Research Centre)

Read more: Developments in Theosophy-Science extract

The end never justifies the means

Although written some time ago the following is still very significant and actual. The article “The end never justifies the means” is taken from the web site of the TS Point Loma –Blavatsky House in The Hague, Holland. Next to possible solutions it offers answers to questions many have.

The end never justifies the means

A peaceful answer to terrorism.

After the dreadful events on the 11th of September 2001 in the United States of America everyone poses the same questions. Where do we go from here? Will there be a third World War? But against whom? The enemy has become invisible. Should we retaliate these acts of terror? But how? Would that not be the cause for even more violence? These are confusing and fearful times for most of us.

Read more: The end never justifies the means


Islam is one of the three major Abrahamic religions, the other two being Judaism and Christianity. All are derived from the Jewish patriarch Abraham (hence the term), and all share some common features: they are monotheistic; they posit a masculine God who intervenes in human history; they are based on traditional scriptures; and they have a focus on “end times,” that is, the end of the world as we know it, which is to be superseded by a heavenly world of a different kind. Of these three, Islam has been the most aggressively proselytizing.

Read more: Islam

The Persecution of the Roma in East-Central Europe

Kathleen F. Hall – Canada

Roma mothers with their children

For the past two years I have been involved with educational research issues centered on Roma (Gypsy) children. Throughout this period I have gained knowledge and insights into Roma history, culture, and traditions. I have also observed the increasing persecution mounting against the Roma in east-central Europe under changing political and economic climates. The Roma have now become the scapegoats for the financial woes of many of these countries and blatant discrimination aimed at eradicating the Roma people and their culture seems to be part of the political agenda. As a humanitarian and Theosophist, I am compelled to advocate for the rights of the Roma people and to work towards educating North Americans about the life threatening and growing persecution that is taking place in many east-central European countries. Of grave concern is the safety of families whose lives are endangered, and those who struggle to survive under the crippling effects of rampant poverty.

The Roma are amongst the most persecuted people on earth. They are also the largest minority in the European Union with a population of seven to fifteen million (Greenberg, 2010). Most Roma living in the EU face racial, structural, and social discrimination, as well as multiple discriminations on the basis of gender, age, disability, and sexuality (Toth, 2010). The Roma suffer extreme poverty as many have no chance of employment. They often have to live in substandard and unsafe housing in mahalas (quarters or neighbourhoods) within dilapidated, pieced together shelters without water, electricity, or sewage. They usually have no access to medical care, and Roma children are frequently denied a proper education. Many Roma children are placed in segregated schools, or classes for the mentally challenged, and are given a sub-standard education if any at all (Greenberg, 2010).

Roma children

Read more: The Persecution of the Roma in East-Central Europe

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