Good News from ITC – part two

A Krotonian’s look at ITC 2016

Olga Omlin – USA

The author

This year ITC was in a beautiful place surrounded by the giant oak trees and majestic mountains creating a contemplative atmosphere for all the participants. It was also my second conference. I had no expectations keeping my mind open, yet anticipating reconnecting with old friends fellow Theosophists. Casa de Maria is one of the most beautiful places in the suburbs of Santa Barbara that is known for its silent retreats, and which I believe was a good choice for the international theosophical gathering.  

Good News from ITC – part three

ITC 2016: Visions of a Far-Flung Future – A Moderator’s Impression

Jonathan Colbert – USA

The ITC 2016 moderator Jonathan Colbert and a tree

Like a dream of higher reminiscence, pages from a golden age tale, or visions foretelling a far-flung future, impressions and reflections of the conference well up in my mind’s eye. Twenty years ago, I would never have guessed that in my lifetime there would be a Theosophical conference with 108 people from various Theosophical traditions genuinely seeking together the heart of Theosophy and trying to learn about brotherhood by doing it. Yet the 2016 ITC Conference in Santa Barbara, California turned out to be a living example of its very theme, Theosophy and Social Responsibility.

Finding my way to the front of the room that Thursday afternoon in August, I passed by a woman intensely studying a document that offered instructions on how a wise combination of good deeds and deep knowledge were needed in the true service of humanity. It was H.P.B.’s article, “Let Every Man Prove His Own Work.” Even though the hall was clamorous with conversations and abuzz with anticipation, the woman poured over the article’s pages as if she were the only person in the room. Yes, I reflect now, this is how it will be in the future if we all keep working together! Thousands if not millions, just like her, will be intensely focused on the wisdom of H.P.B.

The labyrinth on the wonderful grounds of La Casa da Maria

A gong sounded, starting the proceedings. It reverberated through the happy hall, as people from three great Theosophical streams and many other non-affiliated Theosophists, found their chairs. As if in a dream, I took up my role as master of ceremonies, welcoming all to the conference. A remarkable harmony settled in, as if the Conference attendees were only re-convening and re-discovering a previous bond from previous lifetimes. After a moment of silence dedicated to the memory of the life, work and passing of Dara Eklund, the three presidents of ITC (from three continents), Jan Nicolaas Kind, Herman C. Vermeulen and Gene Jennings, inaugurated the conference, offering their thoughts and blessings. Carolyn Dorrance from Santa Barbara ULT then offered her cheery comments on the proceedings that would unfold.

Good News from Nancy Secrest, International Secretary of the Theosophical Order of Service

Nancy visits Eastern Europe

Without a doubt, the International Secretary of the TOS is a busy bee indeed; just by looking at her itinerary one is out of breath!

In between washing windows at the Blavatsky museum in the Ukraine, visiting a salt mine in her grandfather’s village in Poland, meeting with gypsies with whom the TOS in Hungary works, climbing castle steps and attempting mountain trails in Slovenia, TOS International Secretary, Nancy Secrest, gave talks and TOS presentations and met with members of the Society and the TOS in eastern Europe in August, 2016.

Nancy Secrest and others arrives at the HPB Museum, Dnipropetrovsk (Dnipro) Ukraine

The visit was initiated by an invitation for Nancy to speak at a program in the Ukraine celebrating the 185th anniversary of HPB’s birth. The program, held 12-13 August, 2016 in the home of Blavatsky’s birth, now the Museum of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky and her Family, in Dnipro, Ukraine featured a number of speakers including Antonio Girardi, General Secretary of the Italian Section and Svitlana Garylenko, Organizing Secretary of the TS in the Ukraine. Additional talks and meetings were held at the TS/TOS in Kiev.

Good news from Brazil

Barend Voorham’s visit to the Theosophical Institute near Brasilia, or … cross-pollination in progress

Barend (left) and Marcos de Resende, National President of the Brazilian Section, having breakfast together

From July 20 until July 24 the 22nd the International School of Theosophy took place at the Theosophical Institute near Brasilia, Brazil.

Good News from Adyar

The Dhyan Yoga, Naturopathy, and Ayurveda Clinic

Characteristic inner court of Bhojanasala

A brand-new mission for former restaurant Bhojanasala

General Manager Harihara Raghavan, far left, chanting during the opening ceremony of the clinic

This Ayurvedic clinic started functioning at Bhojanasala last August. Two doctors offer consultation and treatment services for Theosophical Society members, their family, and TS workers on Monday through Friday, from 3 to 6.30 pm. They also prescribe a vegetarian diet.

Consultation fees are nominal, but Ayurvedic medicines are an extra charge. During the international Convention the Clinic will be closed.

Good News from the TOS

Lara Sell from New Zealand, is an 18-year-old university student, who is passionate about animal rights, human rights and particularly women’s rights. She has been a member of the Theosophical Society since she was ten and asked to join. Recently, Lara saved up for a trip to the Philippines where she spent three weeks as a volunteer in the Theosophy-based Golden Link College.

Her report gives a refreshing look at Theosophy in action.

Manilla 2016

Flying halfway across the world alone is a feeling I will never forget. The mix of nerves and excitement over the unknown was a huge part of the 16-hour journey from Auckland to Manila that consisted of airports, layovers and people-watching. Flying into the Philippines was breathtaking. The country consists of over 7,000 islands. Those I saw on our descent were mountainous and beautiful.

Stepping out of the air-conditioned airport was a shock to the system with the heat and humidity packing a decent punch to the face at 31 degrees in the early evening. Metro Manila consists of four districts so having arrived in Manila City, I needed to travel to the northern district city of Caloocan where Golden Link College (GLC) is situated. This drive was my first glimpse of the Philippines and of Asia. My first observation was the lack of order in the streets. Cars, bicycles, tricycles, motorbikes, buses, jeepneys (the country’s national public transport – a cross between a jeep and a minibus) and people were all weaving to the sounds of horns and shouts. People walked up the busy streets in flip flops, sold items in the middle of the hectic traffic and also sat or slept on the side of the road. This initial glimpse was vastly different from any other experience I have ever had, having lived in Auckland my whole life.

Good News from The School of the Wisdom – Adyar

The School of the Wisdom aims at bringing each student to survey life ‘from the centre’, which is intuitive awareness. An intense sense of Life must always accompany every true student. There can be no Wisdom without an ever increasing sense of Wonder.

Essential in the progress towards Wisdom is a growing intimacy with all aspects of Nature. The message which each tree, flower, animal, meadow, sea, sky, and cloud has, must be listened to and understood.

21 November to 2 December 2016

The Neuroscience of meditation

Directors: Dr Bhaskar Vyas and Dr Rajni Vyas

The directors

The transforming power of yoga and meditation and their application in life is going to be explored with the help of Vedic texts, exposure to different meditative practices, and the latest medical imaging. This study will provide objective evidence for the neural and biological basis for meditation. It will establish meditation as the ground of creativity, happiness, and health, while the understanding of hypnosis will remove any bias against it.  

Good News from the European Federation of the Theosophical Society


You are invited to the 38th European Congress that will take place from August 21 to 26, 2017, in Barcelona, Spain. The theme of the Congress will be:

“Theosophy: A Way towards Universal Consciousness”

Good News from International Theosophy Conferences Inc. (ITC)

For ITC 2016, from Thursday, August 11, until Sunday, August 14 in Santa Barbara, California the theme is:

Theosophy and Social Responsibility
Applying the Head and Heart Teachings of H. P. Blavatsky

This forthcoming conference will certainly be as energetic and inspiring as the previous ones. According to the wish as expressed by participants during the 2015 meeting in The Hague, this time the focus is on studying together. It’ll be made possible for those who come to Santa Barbara to sign up in advance for a specific study circle, indicating what topic has their main interest.

Participants will be supplied with Theosophical readings and study material beforehand, made available on ITC’s website. With what was reintroduced to us by H. P. B., they will determine, by offering practical solutions, why it is crucial that the world knows that Theosophy exists, and has always been there to help humanity.

Good News from Adyar

Olcott Memorial Higher Secondary School

The Theosophical Order of Service (TOS) has recently issued a special edition of their International Newsletter dedicated the Olcott Memorial Higher Secondary School (OMHSS) at Adyar. For over 120 years OMHSS has been providing a solid education for underprivileged boys and girls in Adyar, a large neighborhood located in south-Chennai, India.

Among many services the School also provides free education in Tamil (transitioning to English Medium), along with textbooks, school supplies, school bags, uniforms, a nutritious breakfast and lunch, regular medical check-ups, and also guidance and counselling for the children and their parents. Read more from the Newsletter.

Students at the school

Good News from Thé

Site recently launched. Click here 

French speaking countries

Welcome to Thé, the first French-speaking website dedicated to the gathering and publishing of Theosophical documentation in the French language. This project is part of a global plan aiming at delivering Theosophical documentation at large, i.e. books references, articles, conferences, audio and video recordings, and photos.


On a world-wide scale such resources are probably available, widespread or dormant hidden in locked and dusty cupboards. Gathering the public domain publications, and making them available over the Net will provide a useful knowledgebase for anyone interested in Theosophical matters.

Good News from the Theosophical Society Point Loma – The Hague, the Netherlands

This energetic and outreaching Theosophical main-stream, with a lot of young and ever active members presented a few weeks ago the following program:

The esoteric origin of human rights
Presenter Erwin Bomas (in English)

The speaker

Good News from the European School of Theosophy

The Aim of the European School is to provide opportunities in Europe to study the original teachings of modern theosophy in order to ensure the continuing preservation and dissemination of the esoteric philosophy as recorded in the writings of H. P. Blavatsky and related source literature. This primary focus upon the original teachings enables students, wherever and however situated, to discover for themselves the value of Theosophy. Furthermore, the School invites students to examine the relevance of Theosophical ideas and ideals for current developments within the field of comparative philosophy, religion and science.

Good News from Brazil

The international YOUTH gathering in BRAZIL, which took place place at the Theosophical Institute near Brasilia from February 6 until February 10 was an awesome happening. Guest speaker was international president Tim Boyd and participants came from Brazil, Argentina, Spain the Netherlands, Italy, Hungary and England. It was an event entirely organized by the young folks themselves and they did so very well. It was uplifting to notice that Theosophy is very much alive among the youngsters and Tim Boyd reached out to them on several occasions during the gathering and when delivering his talks. It is well understood in Brazil that the TS must connect with younger people who are searching to find ways to give deeper meanings to their lives. General Secretary Marcos de Resende has really done much not only to integrate younger members, but also to have them actively working.

Good News from Adyar

Eugene Jennings – USA

Impressions from Adyar

It was with happiness and joy that I, a student of ULT, along with another prominent Theosophist of the Point Loma tradition, received an invitation to be present and speak at the 140th International Convention, Adyar, in Chennai India 2015-2016. It was indeed an honor to be present and listen to the presentations on the main theme, “Compassion and Universal Responsibility”.  

In my heart, the invitation was received, and served as an early sign that perhaps a return of an old cycle was occurring. A cycle involving “time before the splits”, a time when all Theosophists were united, under the single inspirational efforts and vision of HPB, her great teachers, and their united Message. The glue of union was, and should still be the Timeless and Honored Wisdom we now call Theosophy. Wisdom, coming through the “Initiate and Great Chela HPB” being shared in its original form, with a few, for the sake of the many, i.e., Orphan Humanity.

Good news from Finland

Message received from General Secretary Mirva Jaatinen

The Finnish Section of the TS (Adyar) is having different kinds of programmes around the country during the ongoing spring season. Along with regular public lectures two spiritual fairs called Days of Light, will be organized in Northern Finland, the first one in Raahe already took place last February and the second one will be in Oulu, in April.

On April 9th we will have our Annual Convention in Tallinn, Estonia. Until now our conventions have always been held in Finland, but as Estonia belongs to the Finnish Section, we decided to have this year’s convention there for the first time in our TS history.

Kajastus lodge in Kajaani organized an Ayurveda course for women conducted by Mrs Eila Lepre on 6th February.

Mrs. Eila Lepre conducting an Ayurveda course for women