Glimpses of Theosophical work in Ireland
Theosophically speaking, a momentous event took place at the Malone Lodge Hotel, Belfast in June 2005. The TS in Ireland became one unit, under the umbrella of a Regional Association encompassing all the Theosophists of good standing in Ireland. At that time, there was a Lodge in Limerick, Southern Ireland and Belfast Lodge in Northern Ireland. Within recent years the expanding Study Group in Dublin morphed into a newly chartered Lodge, appropriately named Phoenix Lodge.
Tea break after meeting Belfast Lodge
Members after meeting Belfast Lodge
Coleraine Study Group
Over the past six years we have held an All Ireland Convention in Dublin, which has served as a focus for drawing together members the length and breadth of Ireland. At each Convention we have had an International speaker. On 28th May this year, Tom Davis, General Secretary of South Africa, visiting in Scotland, kindly stepped into the breach, in place of dear Ali Ritsema from Holland, who was unable to come. Tom spoke movingly and inspiringly on ‘In Tune with the Universe’.
Tom Davis, General Secretary of South Africa and Marie Harkness, organising Secretary of the TS in Ireland
Presentation of Irish memento to Tom Davis by the Regional Treasurer, John Doherty
A number of TS members who attended the 6th All Ireland Convention
Regular Meetings have taken place throughout the year in Dublin and in Belfast. In Coleraine, extreme North of Ireland, regular monthly Study Meetings were held.
Things do not happen quickly here as religion is deeply embedded in the consciousness of many on both sides of the so called divide. However there is an innate mysticism in the Irish psyche and hopefully in time, increasing numbers will be drawn to an inner search and find that the Theosophical pearls of wisdom on offer, may guide, inspire and greatly uplift the consciousness of all beings on this Island and beyond.