Mini-interviews Julian Ochoa Sanchez

The Society MI SJ b 

  1. What’s your name, where are you from and how long have you been a member of the TS?

Julian  Ochoa Sanchez, born in Colombia, lived 20 years in Australia and I have officially been a TS member since 2002. Currently I live in Germany

  1. Are you active in your Lodge/Section and if so, what do you do?

I was active at the Sydney Blavatsky Lodge until 2018, I volunteered in the library for several years, I was member of the lodge committee and gave several talks at Blavatsky Lodge, from 2018 I gave several lectures at the Newcastle lodge in New South Wales, Australia..

  1. How did you first learn about Theosophy or come in contact with the Society?

I learnt about theosophy from a University Teachery who recommended me to visit the Sydney Blavatsky Lodge.

  1.  What does Theosophy mean to you?

Theosophy can provide individuals a way of life and it can be the template for a better world. It is a spiritual utopia waiting to become a reality.

  1. What is your favorite Theosophical book and why?

Idyll of the White Lotus, by Mabel Collins. It is a short story that narrates in a micro setting the entire happenings of life, it gives a small glimpse to ancient Egypt, the life of monks, it shows the importance of having a life of love and light, it is the journey of the spirit.

  1. What in your opinion is the biggest challenge the TS is facing at the moment?

There is great concern to have vast numbers of members, but that in itself is a challenge as we have to come to terms with the fact that we live in a globalized society. Information is readily available online. And there are many spiritual and self-help groups, which is a kind of competition to the society. Instead of trying to compete for souls we should nurture our current membership, create environments of brotherhood and places where people of all backgrounds can come to learn and explore the ancient wisdom.

  1.  Is there anything you would wish for the future of the Theosophical Movement?

The vision left by the early theosophists is yet to happen, what we need to do is stir towards that place where the society can unfold and become that great movement that will assist in building a better world.

From the editor:

Opinions and ideas expressed in the mini-interviews are exclusively of those who are being interviewed. They don’t necessarily represent the ideas and opinions of the compilers of Theosophy Forward. The responses of the interviewees are not edited for content. Some contributors give short answers to the questions while others touch upon the subject more elaborately.