Aquarelles by Armand Alexey Davidovich

Public Eye Armand 2

The artist

In a previous issue of Theosophy Forwardin the category THE SOCIETY, you’ll find a mini-interview with Armand, who is a Russian Theosophist. His interview wasn’t the most detailed or longest we’ve ever published over the past years, but Armand is certainly an interesting friend of ours and a very talented artist. 

For the interview click here         

 Art forms speak louder than words, so it is with pleasure that we continue to present yet another series of Armand’s inspiring watercolors. Enjoy … !

Public Eye Armand 3

Hill speaks to hill

Public Eye Armand 4

The dew


Public Eye Armand 5

The tournament


Public Eye Armand 6

In water


Public Eye Armand 7

How long will it go on?

Public Eye Armand 8

Forest wisdom (an owl with a chick)

If you have any kind of artistic talent as a photographer, painter, sculptor, musician, writer of poetry or you name it, and you would like to share that with the readers of Theosophy Forward, contact the editor:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

To be continued