SOPHIA - an Editorial
Marcos Luís Borges de Resende – Brazil
Note from the editor. Earlier, Theosophy Forward highlighted the English translation an article in TF’s category THE SOCIETY, written by Saskia Campert that first was published in the Dutch magazine THEOSOFIA.
It is fascinating to take note of various theosophical (or Theosophy related) publications which appear in local languages of which many of us are not aware. The Brazilian magazine SOPHIA is published six times per year in the Portuguese language. Its initiator and editor-in-chief, Marcos Luís Borges de Resende, is a well-known lawyer operating in Brasilia and for many years he has been active, occupying various functions in the Theosophical Society. Sophia’s objective is to reach out to a broad audience, people who are genuinely interested in spirituality as such, and who, by going over the many and diverse articles might find their way to Theosophy or theosophical literature. With this approach one could say that Sophia functions as a portal to Theosophy.
Click on the cover to open this sublime magazine and have a look around!
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SOPHIA is truly a gem of a periodical! The content is diverse and accessible, its lay out is professional and it is printed on first class paper. Sophia will fit well on the magazine table in in a living room, while there is also an electronic edition available. For those who master the Portuguese language it will certainly be worthwhile to consider a subscription. The editorial below was translated from Portuguese into English and appeared in the most recent issue of Sophia.