Beyond the Mundane Reality

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David M. Grossman (photo) is a regular contributor to the category PUBLIC EYE on Theosophy Forward the e-Magazine. He is a lifelong student of Theosophy, has a wonderful wife and lovely daughter, while his dog PLUTO is an inseparable part of the family. Pluto is a pretty smart fellow because recently he flew “economy” with the family to Poland and back to the USA (!!); quite a world traveler. 

This text comes from David’s website:

David Grossman is an American Photographer living in Brooklyn, New York. His work concentrates on social commentary and exploring various expressions of the human condition. David’s photographs are regularly published internationally in books and magazines in print form and online as well as in various types of exhibits.

David has also done extensive assignment work in the fields of Healthcare, Social Services and Education, creating brochures, annual reports and various website and printed materials.  Please call or write for further information.

For more check out these links:

As an introduction to the series of seven brilliant photos, which are published here,  David wrote the following: 

Beyond the mundane reality

Behind the physicality

The necessary yet polarizing duality

The mind’s “habituality

Where there is no neutrality

Only from the rainbow bridge Antahakarana

Only there

The image takes on a life of its own …


So, let the images speak for themselves

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