The Lodge Prométhée was chartered on 23rd March 2010. It is one of eight lodges existing in Belgium and the second lodge in the Belgian mining town of Charleroi, situated in the French speaking part of the country, at about an hour by car from Brussels.
Besides a study group of The Secret Doctrine the new lodge has planned several activities to be organised in workshops such as :
The Annie Besant Workshop will study the early works of the second president of the T.S.; The Vipassana Meditation Workshop will concentrate on meditation; The Dane Rhudhyar Workshop as well as The Road of Life Workshop will study astrology; The Patanjali Workshop will organize yoga seminars; and The Rukmini Arundale Workshop will research for the path of well being and propose presentations with activities on Vegetarianism, Ayuved, Reiki, Arts and Music.
All this is a testimony of how great the motivation is of the seven TS Members, who have started this new lodge. More information on their Website: