You are invited to attend a seminar on Walking The Path, hosted by Canadian Theosophical Association in Montreal on the weekend of August 27 to 29, 2010 on the occasion of the ANNUAL CONVENTION OF THE CANADIAN THEOSOPHICAL ASSOCIATION.
If you plan on attending the convention, be sure to register as soon as possible to ensure a place for you. The deadline for registration is July 20. Please contact Gertrude Doyon at:
Featured International guest speaker, Tran-Thi-Kim-Dieu, will conduct the Seminar, which will consist of an introductory overview talk, followed by a series of workshops called Walking The Path.
Who is Trân-Thi-Kim-Diêu?
Born in South-Viêtnam, Kim-Diêu obtained her graduate and post-graduate degrees from Montpellier University (France) in Pharmaceutical Engineering, a field in which she worked for ten years, when she ended her career to serve the TS, starting with a six month sojourn at Adyar in 1986/87.
Since she joined the TS in 1972, she has served as a volunteer in various capacities for the French Section, the European Federation (EFTS), and the Naarden Centre (ITC) for which she held the office of Chairman from 1995 till 2003. She helped found the School of the Wisdom at Naarden in 2001 and launched the project for establishing a Study & Research Centre at this Centre. She is the current re-elected Chairperson of the Council of the EFTS. From 1991 till 1999, she regularly gave programmer in Eastern European Countries including Russia and the Ukraine, helped publish theosophical literature in local languages since 1992, and helped found the first TS lodge in Russia in 1999.
In addition to lecturing extensively, conducting seminars in Europe, and giving a monthly course at HQ in Paris (since 1987), she has lectured at various Summer Schools, Congresses and Conventions, the European School of Theosophy, the Krotona School (1996, 2002), the School of the Wisdom at Adyar (1997), the School of the Wisdom at Naarden (2003), and went on a lecture tour in New-Zealand (1999). She has also completed a lecture tour in Australia a few years back.