Good News from ITC (International Theosophy Conferences Inc.)

From August 15–18, 2014 all roads lead to the International Theosophical Centre in Naarden, The Netherlands, a wonderfully located spiritual retreat center fostering brotherhood and peace.


On this peaceful estate, International Theosophy Conferences Inc. will host a historic meeting and invites participation by Theosophists from all over the world, belonging to all organizations, but also independent Theosophists and sympathizers who are actively involved in studying or promoting Theosophy.

Theosophist from all over the world will attend: India, New Zealand, South Africa, Zambia, Brazil, Honduras, the USA, Iceland, Madeira and many other European countries.

Introduction speakers: Tim Boyd (keynote), Barend Voorham, Betty Bland, Eugene Jennings, Trân-Thi-Kim-Diêu, Joop Smits and Jacques Mahnich.

The conference theme will be “Theosophy, Unity and Helping the World ... Where do we go from here?”

In her Five Messages to the American Theosophists, Madame Blavatsky is very clear about the direction of Theosophy and Theosophists. She states “union is strength and for every reason private differences must be sunk in United work for our great cause (i) … But in order that we may be able to effect this working on behalf of our common cause, we have to sink all private differences.” (ii)

She tells us that if we insist upon Theosophical work being done in a particular way, or according to the wishes of a particular person, and not in anyone else's way, that this is not Theosophy, and that in pursuing this path “the growth of the Society will soon be split up into various sects, as many as there are leaders.” (iii)

She then asks “is this separateness consonant with the United Altruism of universal brotherhood? Is this the teaching of our noble masters?” And in regards to working together she states, “therefore do not for one moment relax in your efforts; press closer, shoulder to shoulder, every day; stand together as one man, come what may, fine weather or storm, and the victory of the cause to which you have placed yourselves is certain. Striving thus in unison with your higher self, your efforts must and will be fruitful of good to the society, to yourselves, to humanity.” (iv)

These messages were as prophetic then as they are today. The ITC 2014 Naarden conference is a unique opportunity for students of all traditions to come together sharing Theosophical ideas from the teachings of Madame Blavatsky and the Masters, and working with those ideas in workshop format together, with each and everyone present.

Each conference day will start with introduction lectures. After those, participants in workshops will be doing the most important and demanding work. Results of the workshops will be presented in plenary feedback sessions, as input for the end product of the gathering: “The ITC 2014, Naarden Declaration.” Furthermore, the core of the ITC program in Naarden will consist of three parts: Religion, Philosophy, and Science.

That work is the meaningful communication between students of all traditions in problem-solving some of the unique world challenges that this age and the future ages present. Why, because the great Master’s letter tells us that the Theosophical Society was chosen as the cornerstone, the foundation of the future religions of humanity … “That the fundamental doctrines of all religions will be proved identical in their esoteric meaning (v). … And that the true religion and philosophy offer the solution of every problem.” (vi) What is there greater to achieve?

Concerning the problems of life having to do with lack of morality, incomplete religions and philosophies, and we might add sciences, that add nothing to the understanding, or moral and spiritual nature of man; and concerning the questions of the great dual principles in nature, good and evil, right and wrong, pain and pleasure, egotism and altruism, liberty and despotism, The Master tells us, “to these problems there must be somewhere a consistent solution, and if our doctrines will show their competence to offer it, then the world will be the first to confess that there must be the true philosophy, the true religion, the true light, which gives truth and nothing but the truth.” (vii)

This will be one of the great tasks before us as Theosophical students, from different traditions working earnestly together to find the best ways to bring the truth of Theosophy, based on the Great teachings of H. P. B. and her Masters, in its aspects of science, philosophy and religion to the world, in practical form, both spiritual and material, for the benefit of all human and life-kind. This will be an important meeting and effort that any Theosophical student who is able, is welcome to join and become a vital part of it. A newsletter with further program details will be distributed soon.

Please consider coming and sharing your Theosophical wealth.

Om Mani Padme OM to All.

i Five Messages from HP Blavatsky to the American Theosophists; In Convention Assembled: 1888-1889-1890-1891; The Theosophy Company, Los Angeles, 1921; Second Message, p. 17

ii Ibid: pg. Second Message, p. 16

iii Ibid: pg. Second Message, p. 16

iv Ibid: Third Message, p. 24

v Theosophical Articles and Notes: The Great Masters Letter; p. 191

vi Theosophical Articles and Notes: The Great Masters Letter; p. 193

vii Theosophical Articles and Notes: The Great Masters Letter; p. 193

For further information regarding this event, registration and ITC’s magazine follow this link:

For contributions in the series OUR UNITY on Theosophy Forward click here: