Inspirational Stories -The Recipe for Sweet Happiness

MTR Recipe 3

Sweet Happiness, a happy kitchen, happy cooking

My grandmother was a school teacher, a very religious person, very humble, and always had a smile on her face. She really cared for people, poor, prisoners, the unhappy, children, etc. I remember her giving time and things to people she knew that had serious problems.

Many times, she left food or something else people needed outside their door and no-one knew who did it. She used to do the same thing for prisoners including giving them many books. She taught me to love reading as the gifts she gave me were books. She gave me my first fairytale by Hans Christian Andersen, Thumbelina, which is still one of my favorite books.

My grandmother Maria got cancer and passed away many years ago at the age of 75, and her recipe for Sweet Happiness was the legacy she left to all of us:


A pound of simple heart; Two pounds of tranquil conscience; A pound of happy face; A pound of love; Two cups of laughter; Three spoons of countryside.


Put your inner world into the pot, tranquil conscience and simple heart. Beat thoroughly to fill the pot. Then add some sweet love and you will get a nice red color. Then add a smiley face and laughter. At the time you mix the ingredients, be aware of the ingredients because a simple frown can spoil the cake. And now add the countryside. Put the cake in the pan of your soul, blend with the spoon of the spiritual will, and bake in the oven of patience. Before serving, sprinkle with trust in God. Those who have tasted this sweet confess that the characteristic taste was of Happiness and Tranquility.

Sotiria Galanopoulou – Greece


This special recipe also appeared in the March 2026 issue the magazine Theosophy Downunder (TS-Pasadena).

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