Good News from Scotland

The Theosophical Society in Scotland welcomes you to a weekend with David Nieuwejaers* at the Theosophical Society in Scotland.


28 Great King Street Edinburgh EH 6 QH

Good News from Scotland 2
Beautiful Edinburgh

Dates: Saturday 30th and Sunday 31st May

Free of charge to members of the Theosophical Society in Scotland

* Previously working under his adoptive name of Roef

Good News from International Theosophy Conferences Inc.

Last year the ITC 2014 conference held on the wonderful grounds of the International Theosophical Centre in Naarden the Netherlands was a memorable one. Its challenging theme “Theosophy, Unity, and Helping the World. Where do we go from here?” brought many from all four corners of the globe together.

Good News from International Theosophy Conferencess Inc 2  ITC Logo

Based on the input from ITC 2014, the ITC Board of Directors updated ITC's Purposes.

Good News from the Netherlands – one

A Revolution in Education?

Good News from the Netherlands - one 2

J. Krishnamurti and children

7 - 11 May 2015

Organized by

International Theosophical Centre Naarden

Theosophical Society in the Netherlands

Krishnamurti Information Centre Bilthoven

International Theosophical Centre

Meentweg 9 - 1411 GR Naarden - the Netherlands

Good News from the Netherlands – two

HPB’s Esoteric Instructions

Good News from the Netherlands - two 2

an overview with

Michael Gomes

Good News from Argentina

Ernesto García, Director of the Theosophical Center (TC) sends this brief report:

The 51st Summer School of the Theosophical Society in Argentina was held at the T.C. in San Rafael, from January 16th to 21st.

Guest speaker, Dr. Ravi Ravindra, gave a public lecture on Science and Spirituality in the city with more than 200 people attending and offered two seminars on “The Yoga of Christ” and “The Yoga of Krishna.”, given at the T.C.

Good News from Argentina 2  Ravi Ravindra
Ravi Ravindra (left) lecturing

Good news from the TOS in Ghana

Mushrooms in Ghana project

The Theosophical Order of Service–USA, at its Feburary 2015 board meeting, approved a grant to the Mushrooms for Well Being Foundation: Mushrooms in Ghana Project. The funds will help to renovate and complete a spawn (mushroom seed) laboratory at Bemcom Training and Resource Centre in Techiman, Ghana, West Africa.

The Foundation seeks to promote education about the health and medicinal benefits of mushrooms, promote mushroom consumption and production worldwide, including the US and also in developing countries where small-scale mushroom production can increase food security and economic development and provide an additional source of protein.

Good news from the TOS in Kenya

[an introduction to the good work being done]

The service work of the TOS in our country has been part and parcel of the life of the Theosophical Society since 1965. For example each year on November 17, we celebrate the foundation of the TS in 1875 by delivering large quantities of foodstuffs, stationery and medicines to charitable establishments in Nairobi that look after the impoverished elderly, orphans, HIV/AIDS infected children and others.

Good News from the TOS in Kenya 2

Meet the TOS workers in Kenya

Other significant TOS events take place on Founders’ Day. When the TOS celebrated its worldwide centenary in 2008, the Kenyan government issued a stamp in recognition of our hundred years of service. The TOS Centennial postage stamp was officially launched by the Minister for Gender and Children's Affairs at a packed event held at the TS premises in Nairobi. The Minister and the Postmaster General planted a TOS centennial tree. TOS National Directors around the world received complimentary first day covers of the stamp.

Good News from the Theoscience Project

A Quest toward an Understanding of REALITY As Described by Traditions and Science, or Building Bridges between Science and Traditions

Welcome to the place where researchers and seekers of REALITY meet!

Good News from the Theoscience Project 2 IMG 0860Jacgues Mahnich - Prorject Initiator

We live in a wonderful world. Our task is to discover / recover what it is all about. In front of us (and in us, because we are part of it) we have ONE Reality which is viewed, understood, and constructed by an infinity of human concepts, either through the filter of Science or through the filter of traditions. Both have been around for thousand years and have built and refined many models of this ONE Reality. Both have brought some understanding to our quest, and they have molded many of our behaviors. By Traditions, we mean all the traditions throughout the planet and ages which have brought some understanding of the REALITY in which we are living. This includes all the main religious traditions, and any other philosophy or spiritual movement.

Good News from Argentina

 The Theosophical Society in Argentina presents:

January 16 – 25, 2015

51st. Summer School at the Theosophical Center – San Rafael (Mendoza)

Workshops by Dr. Ravi Ravindra

Good News from Argentina 2
Ravi Ravindra

Good News from the Dutch section of the Theosophical Society (Adyar)

On the 18th of October the Dutch section of the Theosophical Society (Adyar) organized a seminar on “From cosmic ideation to human mindscape”, presented by Robert A. Pullen, leader of the Theosophical study group “The Lotus Circle”.

Good News Dutch Section 2

There were over sixty attendees who enjoyed a very inspiring day.

Good News from Belgium

A new introductory study course in Theosophy has been launched in Brussel. It is organized by the Belgian Theosophical Society (Adyar) under the title of “Essentials of Timeless Wisdom.”

Good News from Belgium 2

Study sessions take place every second Wednesday of the month at 08.00 PM at Place des Gueux 8 Geuzenplein, 1000 Brussels: 14 January 2015, 11 February 2015, 11 March 2015, 8 April 2015 and 13 May 2015.

This new introductory course in the English language covers the fundamental ideas of the timeless wisdom or Esoteric Philosophy as introduced by Helena P. Blavatsky throughout her many writings.

This is an excellent initiative and especially attractive for foreigners, but also expats and the broader English speaking community who live in Brussels or in other cities in Belgium.


Call (+) 32 – 486 631 997 or e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Good News from Slovenia

This year, Trân-Thi-Kim-Diêu’s programmes in Slovenia took place on the 24th and the 25th of October. The programmes were shared with Andrej Detela, a Slovenian scientist and writer, who was one of the outstanding speakers at the European Congress held in Paris in the summer of 2014. Instead of presenting the programmes in the format of lectures, another dynamic method was used: Trân-Thi-Kim-Diêu and Andrej Detela shared a discussion in front of the audience, giving also to listeners the possibility to participate with remarks and questions.

Good News from Slovenia 2 Participants arriving and discussing before the programme in Ljubljana
Participants arriving for the Ljubljana event

Good News from the European School of Theosophy

This School wants: “… to provide opportunities in Europe for the study of Theosophy in order to ensure the continuing preservation and dissemination of the esoteric philosophy.”

Report of the European School held from 10-15 October 2014, at the International Theosophical Centre, Naarden, the Netherlands, written by Karen Wallwork of London UK, a member of Blavatsky Lodge.

In the Beginning was the Word” was this year’s theme of talks by David Roef, Pablo Sender and Janet Hoult.

If you have not been to European School – then do book in your diaries 18th October to 23rd, 2015 when the venue will be in Birmingham in the UK.

The standard of Theosophical talks is most educational thanks to the depths of research and insight and gained understanding by the speakers David Roef and Pablo Sender who have made a life work of service to teach Theosophy at a profound depth of not just knowledge, but to express the gifts of esoteric wisdom which allows the heart to engage with higher mind at a symbolic intuitive level.

Good news from the TOS

TOS Animal Healing Network: Calling All Animal-Loving Meditators

When illness or injury strikes a beloved pet, we often feel helpless, alone and scared about our ability to help our companion when they need us most. In response, the TOS in America launched an Animal Healing Network last year devoted to providing daily healing meditation for sick or terminally ill pets and their human companions. Serving as a complement to the TOS Healing Network for humans, these healing meditations call upon the angelic hosts to send loving, healing power over time and distance to the suffering animal to comfort and protect until health returns or the soul departs the body. Network organizer Rozi Ulics says, “By providing this service, we hope to shoulder some of the burden people feel when faced with a pet’s illness."

We are happy to report that the initiative is blossoming into a global network of animal-loving meditators. The network includes both individual and group healers spread across the United States as well as in Hungary and India.



It goes along with the principles of Theosophy to respect life in all forms, in the human, animal, and plant kingdoms. Consciousness is evolving at every stage and we need to care about all life in oneness, the basis of which is respect. That care is taken seriously in practical life at Adyar. There are many examples, but the following two have raised recent questions.

Small tree on the Estate with the famous JK bench in the background
(courtesy of Richard Dvorak)

Adyar is a Nature sanctuary, which is carefully looked after. Its beauty is well known. Nature thrives year by year during the monsoon, the insects and ants flourish, thickets increase, and trees get overgrown and crowded. Forests need care as well, but no trees are cut due to anyone’s whim. Individual buildings and houses begin to get hidden and taken over by trees, the branches reach the walls and enter through windows, giving ants nice pathways into the structures. The Garden Department has much work in Adyar and they do their best in keeping the many roads and views sufficiently open. Especially before Convention time, the main areas are cleaned and cleared.

Good News from London

The INTERNATIONAL THEOSOPHICAL HISTORY CONFERENCE of 20-21 September, 2014, was held at 50 Gloucester Place, London. The papers (two read in absentia) were written by twelve delegates from England, Europe, the USA and the Middle and Far East. Their varied and interesting topics, all of a high academic standard, reflected the international diversity and enthusiasm of the speakers. They provided further evidence of the recent upsurge of Theosophical studies and revealed more examples of the Society’s appeal and influence in an impressively varied number of countries and fields. Although, as the Conference chairman and organiser Leslie Price pointed out, the Theosophical Society went through a period of crisis at the time of Krishnamurti’s break with it in 1929, it has not lost its relevance and its original ideals are still important today.

Good News from London 2
Back row:
Tim Rudbog ( Denmark) Erin Prophet ( Rice University, Texas), Leslie Price (conference chair, associate editor, Theosophical History) Colin Price (National President, TS in England), John Crow (Florida State University) Barry Lofts (author of forthcoming biography of John Yarker) Kevin Tingay (chair, Friends of Theosophical Archives, England) .

Front row: Shin’Ichi  Yoshinaga (Japanese new religions specialist), Boaz Huss (Israel), Massimo Introvigne ( Italy) Geraldine Beskin (Atlantis Bookshop, London) Chunag ChienHui (Taiwan), Janet Lee, (National Secretary, T.S. in England.) .