Half of world's largest lakes losing water


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 Lake Urmia in Iran was once the world’s second largest salt lake, but since 1998 its area has shriveled by more than 90 percent.

Climate change, human consumption and sedimentation contributing to decline

More than 50 percent of the largest lakes in the world are losing water, according to a groundbreaking new assessment published today in Science . The key culprits are not surprising: warming climate and unsustainable human consumption.

The Mona Lisa in Paris

Compiled by Jan Nicolaas Kind - Brazil

[Came across this incredible photo and short write up on Instagram and felt I had to share it with the readers in the category MEDLEY. Although currently Paris is not as described by Harvey Stein, due to the many demonstrations, it is to be hoped it will soon return to its majestic beauty. JNK]


Harvey Stein is a professional photographer, teacher, lecturer, author, and curator based in New York City. He currently teaches at the International Center of Photography and has taught in several undergraduate and graduate photography programs. 

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Positive experiences in close relationships are associated with better physical health, new research suggests

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Social relationships influence physical health, but questions remain about the nature of this connection. New research in Social Psychological and Personality Science suggests that the way you feel about your close relationships may be affecting the way your body functions.

Previous smaller-scale studies have examined the connection between relationship conflict or satisfaction with stress levels and blood pressure. The new research examines the effects of positive and negative relationship experiences on the body, as well as how these experiences and health outcomes change from day to day.

The House of the Heart

Dara Eklund -- USA 

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It may be a small house with few windows and doors. It may be too open, too ready and anxious for a passing footstep or would-be intruder. It may be dull and suspicious or contriving. The house of a thousand secrets is the human heart. That house, which thought by thought and deed by deed we daily build, can expand as large as the great Universe itself, or contract until its dweller lives fearfully and painfully isolated from its surroundings.

Call and Response

Ananya Sri Ram – USA

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The evenings at Krotona in Ojai, California often take on a magical effect. As the sun sets in west, the mountains reflect the fading glow, turning a beautiful pink hue. The light in the air grows dimmer, and a stillness begins to descend. It feels like the divine is pulling a warm sheet over everything, calming the physical world and readying it for sleep. One is transported into a bed of quiet. And then the owls begin their song.

Five precepts of Buddhism may be linked to lower depression risk

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Study suggests the moral practice may buffer known links between high stress levels and depression

A new study suggests that people with high levels of neuroticism and stress may be at greater risk for depressive symptoms, but those links could be buffered for people who observe the five precepts of Buddhism -- a fundamental system of ethics for the religion's followers. Nahathai Wongpakaran of Chiang Mai University, Thailand, and colleagues present these findings in the open-access journal PLOS ONE on November 30, 2022.

Lucid dying: Patients recall death experiences during CPR

Detection of rhythmic brain waves suggestive of near-death experiences

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One in five people who survive cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) after cardiac arrest may describe lucid experiences of death that occurred while they were seemingly unconscious and on the brink of death, a new study shows.

New theory suggests that decisions are made unconsciously, then about half a second later become conscious



Consciousness is your awareness of yourself and the world around you. This awareness is subjective and unique to you.

A Boston University Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine researcher has developed a new theory of consciousness, explaining why it developed, what it is good for, which disorders affect it, and why dieting (and resisting other urges) is so difficult.