A message from Ken Small - USA
Ken Small knocking on doors for help
Friends of Lomaland
I am reaching out today for support in further developing and sustaining our Lomaland Theosophy Library, Archive and Art collection.
Rare photo of the Theosophical Library in Altadena before and after the devastating fire
With the recent tragic loss of the library and archive at the Theosophical Library in Altadena, our Lomaland Theosophy collection now remains the primary resource for the study of the Lomaland community. I am currently in discussion with some educational institutions discussing long term permanent venues for our archive and art, but these links develop gradually. Preparing and developing our collection while these discussions are ongoing will serve to provide a more solid basis for the long-term integrity of the collection, regardless of where it lands next. There is much to be done and new opportunities for enhancing and developing the collection further.
Preserving our Lomaland archive/ library and art is an essential piece of maintaining this unique history.
During 2025, we envision two fundraising phases for the archive The first phase contains potential rare book and art acquisitions, website development, scanner needs, archival assistance etc. The second phase is funding for a fire safe structure and secure holding space for processing and containing our expanding Lomaland/ theosophy/ perennialism books. For example, in mid-summer of 2024 we received a donation of approximately 3500 books in later 20th century world religions, philosophy, psychology, theosophy etc. We are still in the process of sorting and selecting what to include in the long-term holdings of our Perennial Wisdom Resources collection (we will elaborate this aspect further in another email) and estimate about half will be included. There are additional collections awaiting a long-term home and it remains a growing effort to provide a useful and safe space for these collections. There are more than 12000 volumes in private collections we are aware of in this Perennial Wisdom Resources focus area that we hope to provide a home for. This second phase begins this gradually unfolding process, and we welcome donations of theosophical, esoteric and perennialism books for this growing collection.
Also, importantly, towards our 2025 fundraising goal, we have already received a generous, anonymous, donation of $10,000 in the form of a matching funds grant. This means that dollar for dollar donations up to equaling that amount will be matched, so that any amount you donate is essentially doubled, until we reach the $10,000 amount. All donations need to be made to our 501c3 educational public benefit, nonprofit tax-exempt organization, The Enso Project, Inc. If one wishes, donations can be earmarked for specific designated areas of funding as well. Our overall funding goal for the Lomaland Archive and Library development needs for 2025 is $70,000. For those who wish to send donations via PayPal, please email me and I can send the link and information on how to do this.
Website construction for a Lomaland Wiki site, rare book and archival documents and restoration work, scanning assistance, book cataloguing, Lomaland wiki site development and entry.
The keynote of theosophy is the unity of humanity and in sharing this reality through the study, practice and sharing of this vision.
The most important 'gift' is the holding of this broader Vision, and for this we all share in gratitude.
Emails with any questions about the Lomaland archive preservation project are welcome:
Ken Small –
Donation checks may be mailed to:
The Enso Project
c/o Ken Small
6044 Arosa St.
San Diego, Ca.
Check this YouTube video: Lomaland Theosophical Community History Tour -- Revisiting Visionary Utopia with Ken Small
You will need to activate the YouTube legends.