Ramprakash – India (ULT Bangalore)
Thank you very much for your mail intimating us of your Theosophical initiative to spread broadcast the philosophy. Every effort to disseminate Theosophical ideas is good and will be fruitful, and as such we much appreciate your initiative.
ULT building in Bangalore
Bangalore U.L.T. was founded in 1942 and it has been active since then till date, though in terms of number of people attending ULT meetings has dwindled. Nevertheless, we few are maintaining vigorous study and dissemination.
Meeting hall – ULT building
So far as our programs and activities are concerned, we post our quarterly program soft copies on our website. So do the students of the Mumbai Lodge. Some of the recorded lectures delivered here in Bangalore ULT and Mumbai ULT are hosted on the website for free audition. Our monthly magazine The Theosophical Movement are also hosted on the website—both the latest and the back issues. Feb. 2012 issue has just been uploaded.
We hold our regular public meetings and study classes. Our Sunday morning study class (study of Isis Unveiled) is open to internet participation via Skype, as mentioned on the home page of our website. Click here
We are aware of the ITC initiative and much appreciates the effort. We are not able to attend the same because of high cost of travel and stay, but we are in perfect sympathy with you.