Our Unity - Some Reflections On Unity

David Grossman – USA

Theosophy Our Unity 6 Lavender Field Provence France 021

When unity is looked at from a metaphysical perspective, I am reminded of the following statements from The Secret Doctrine: “The fundamental identity of all Souls with the Universal Over-Soul, the latter being itself an aspect of the Unknown Root; and the obligatory pilgrimage for every Soul — a spark of the former — through the Cycle of Incarnation (or “Necessity”) in accordance with Cyclic and Karmic law, during the whole term” (1:17). “The radical unity of the ultimate essence of each constituent part of compounds in Nature — from Star to mineral Atom, from the highest Dhyani-Chohan to the smallest infusoria, in the fullest acceptation of the term, and whether applied to the spiritual, intellectual, or physical worlds” (1:120).

Our Unity - Unity or Multiplicity in the Theosophical Movement

Hans van Aurich – The Netherlands

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In the beginning of this century, a book entitled Theosofie by the Dutch author and Theosophist Ruud D.C. Jansen came my way. It is a small book pretending to be a small guide on the origin of the theosophical movement and a bird’s-eye view on the theosophical topics.

Our Unity - … it all starts with an Ideal

Barend Voorham – The Netherlands

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It all starts with an Ideal. Idealism belongs to the buddhic part of our consciousness. Buddhi gives a vision of Truth. And the Truth is that in the core of our being we are united. It is an illusion, a mâyâ, to think we are separated from each other. Students in Theosophy should know that.

Our Unity - Overcoming Division

Marijn Gijsbers – The Netherlands

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What can be done to overcome the apparent unsurmountable hindrances that have divided the Theosophical traditions for so long?

The answer to this question is both very simple and quite challenging. Simple because if we would all manage to live Theosophy there would be no hindrances, only unity. And challenging because understanding Theosophy is one thing, practicing it in everyday life is quite another.

Our Unity - Avoiding ego conflicts

Garrett Riegg – USA

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Unity and ITC – Avoiding ego conflicts

Some degree of “unity” is essential to every organization of human beings. Whether in families, clubs, lodges, cities, or nations, we crave a sense of unity because it includes peace, harmony and beneficial cooperation. For Theosophists especially, unity ties into brotherhood and to our one Source of All: the transcendent spiritual aspect of the universe.