
SOPHIA - an Editorial

Marcos Luís Borges de Resende – Brazil                                                   

Note from the editor. Earlier, Theosophy Forward highlighted the English translation an article in TF’s category THE SOCIETY, written by Saskia Campert that first was published in the Dutch magazine THEOSOFIA.

It is fascinating to take note of various theosophical (or Theosophy related) publications which appear in local languages of which many of us are not aware. The Brazilian magazine SOPHIA is published six times per year in the Portuguese language. Its initiator and editor-in-chief, Marcos Luís Borges de Resende, is a well-known lawyer operating in Brasilia and for many years he has been active, occupying various functions in the Theosophical Society. Sophia’s objective is to reach out to a broad audience, people who are genuinely interested in spirituality as such, and who, by going over the many and diverse articles might find their way to Theosophy or theosophical literature. With this approach one could say that Sophia functions as a portal to Theosophy.

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Click on the cover to open this sublime magazine and have a look around!
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SOPHIA is truly a gem of a periodical! The content is diverse and accessible, its lay out is professional and it is printed on first class paper. Sophia will fit well on the magazine table in in a living room, while there is also an electronic edition available. For those who master the Portuguese language it will certainly be worthwhile to consider a subscription. Subscribe to SOPHIA write to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The editorial below was translated from Portuguese into English and appeared in the most recent issue of Sophia.

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Author Marcos Luís Borges de Resende with his youngest daughter Helena


When we look at the current global situation, with the alarming consequences that have emerged since Donald J. Trump took office for another term as President of the United States, we notice significant changes in the relationship of forces between the so-called world powers, i.e. the rich and heavily armed nations. In this new context, there is already talk of a possible but hopefully not probable third world war, because if this were to occur, it would be devastating. 

If we look at the so-called human civilization, it is not difficult to observe that human beings continue to be barbaric. Wars, which actually are mass murders, hunger, poverty, authoritarianism, violence, brutal competition between individuals, organizations and nations, all of this forms the chaos in which humanity finds itself. Perhaps human beings have always been the same, except that in the past they fought with sticks, stones, arrows, crossbows and swords which, although they could injure and kill, did not have as much destructive power as the weapons created through technological development, including atomic weapons.

Is there anything we can do to reduce human suffering and bring harmony to this troubled world? Jiddu Krishnamurti always pointed to the fact that we are the world. This is a difficult statement to fully grasp. Normally, we lead our personal lives in an egocentric way, focused on ourselves and “ours”, always seeking achievements, pleasures and satisfactions, without a glance at human suffering, whether it is right next to us or on a global scale. He also said that when a small number of people change, consequently great changes will happen in the world.

This shows that all of us, as individuals, are cells in this corpus called humanity. If humanity is sick, it is because we, the bricks that make up this construction, and who are responsible for it, are also sick.

There are events in global politics we cannot directly influence. However, on an individual level, by bringing light into our own lives, by illuminating our relationships, by realizing our own selfishness, and by acting in a kind, gentle, and neighborly way, we can make a significant difference in our world.

There are many ways to serve humanity. By small gestures and great actions, in the natural movement of life, with a look at those around us. At the same time, holistically, if we overcome that prison created by our own ego and act from the heart, we can bring to the world the creative, illuminating energy that will interfere in the greater process of humanity's evolution.

It is said in the Mahatma Letters to A.P. Sinnett that enlightenment comes solely from within. If indeed the world is so lost and disoriented, frantically focused on only material interests, it is because we are like this, without the Light that illuminates human consciousness.

Each one of us, just by ourselves, without copying, imitating, following, can, from within ourselves, find the understanding that guides our actions so that they are beneficial and harmonious.

The challenge is for each one of us. As the situation is dire, it is urgent. If we do not do our part as living cells of this body called humanity, human existential ignorance could destroy the planet, whether through wars, including nuclear wars, or through the ever-increasing destruction of the environment, and cause even greater suffering.

Let’s live up to our responsibility and do our part. A small number of people will become aware that the harmony of the world depends on our ability to discover the source of that harmony within ourselves, and to act accordingly in all our actions. The body, humanity as a whole, will regenerate, transforming weaker cells into healthy ones.