
The Beliefs of Others

Jan Nicolaas Kind – Brazil

Medley GB 2

Giordano Bruno

When we look at today’s world we cannot but come to the conclusion that religion, or rather, that what one refers to as ‘religion’, has caused, and is still causing immense tragedies, disgraceful behavior and confusion. Unfortunately, humans, labeled as ‘the thinkers’, most definitely have the greatest difficulties in thinking and therefore in understanding themselves, their fellow-thinkers, and the most elementary concepts that are needed to live a true religious life.

Although the disciplines of science, philosophy and religion originate from humans themselves, it seems that at least some of these three pillars for approaching the nature of Nature brought about a horrifying and destructive division, instead of union.

The Law teaches us that no one can live nor think for him- or herself alone, and that all are bound together by unbreakable ties. Instead of living according to the basic fundamentals of religious thought, humans are extremely egoistic by imagining that they are favored creatures, whilst they should know by now that in the Universe favors do not exist. In the name of some unclear and often selfish motive, they are putting themselves forward as liberators, ruthlessly imposing their ideas and beliefs on others. Deep rooted radicalism, fear, sinister political motives,  intolerance and disfigured religious doctrines are the tools used to reach their supreme goal, whatever that ‘goal’ might be.

In the 15th century, Giordano Bruno, the Italian renaissance poet and philosopher, who was convinced that the Universe was infinite, populated with many worlds. and for that reason murdered by his opponents, and whose death gives such a special meaning to his writings wrote:

No man has a right to constrain another to think like himself. Each must bear with patience and indulgence the beliefs of others.

Words so very true, but so very often abused.