James Colbert – USA
Jim, the family man, here with great-granddaughter, Persephone Bebo, at Christmas of 2018, 6 weeks before he passed away
Theosophy offers fundamental principles that enable us to approach an understanding of the universe and ourselves. These principles open an inclusive connection and unity with life; they reveal a harmony of physical and moral law and affirm meaning; they give recognition to the continuous journey of each being through greater levels of awareness.
With this philosophy, we embrace life and lose fear of death. Its vision of time and space are so great we release all feelings of limits. Our essential task is the transformation of the material to the spiritual, the lower sense of separateness to a higher sense of oneness, a shift of our identity from the personal to an individuality that rests on that which is truly indivisible.
The tool of this transition is "the law of laws" – compassion. These fundamental principles of Theosophy have now taken their place and are demanding attention on the world stage. They are in the form of environmentalism as our home is truly threatened. They point to a common bond and esoteric basis of all religions even as followers of several Western religions begin to engage in mortal combat. They have and are providing an open portal for the spiritual ideas of the East in the form of Buddhism and Hinduism to arouse a latent Western mysticism. They offer and provide a link from physics to metaphysics. They are connected to the best of Western psychology as exemplified in humanistic and transpersonal schools.
The stimulus for the new age and all other genuine spiritual movements, can be directly traced to the philosophy of Theosophy.
The very survival and inspiration for our world rests on these principles.
More on James (Jim) Colbert plus links to various articles he wrote and which appeared on Theosophy Forward click: HERE