Park people, Park quotes… a few Park dogs and Park music
David M. Grossman – USA
David says:
When I think of parks I think of refuge, a kind of respite in cities from cement, cars, businesses, buildings, noise the rush of civilization. Parks are the lungs of a city. Grass, trees and plants, paths and birds, dogs chasing squirrels and oh yes people all kinds of people.
Public parks are democratic institutions where people from various walks of life, economic situations, races, religions and everything else share the same space, most often in a relaxed and pleasant way.
Politicians should have to spend at least one year in a park before taking office.
The following photos were taken with the consent of the subjects, either directly or by a kind of silent agreement, an awareness they were being photographed. Some of the people I already knew, others meeting for the first time.
All are better off for spending time in a park.