Images of Different Paths

David M. Grossman – USA

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Footsteps ... on the Path? 

Thou canst not travel on the Path before thou hast become that Path itself - The Voice of the Silence

David is a dear friend who regularly contributes to Theosophy Forward with fine photo series, but also with excellent articles. Here is an overview of eight of them, especially written for TF. Click on the titles to go directly to the articles.

Our Unity - Some Reflections On Unity - Theosophy and the Arts, Texts and Contexts of Modern Enchantment - A Few Thoughts: Ideas, Action and Influences - Prometheus — Reclaiming the Fire - The Three Propositions - Living In Kali YugaA Case for Mythology - A Meditation on Mindfulness

Sacred Places

Richard Dvořák – Germany   

 Richard close up

Richard in action

We are all familiar with these special or sacred places, where one feels – well – “at home”, might be the best description, though we all might find different words to describe them.

The three photos were taken at such an amazing place, in the southwestern part of Germany. There is a group of very old European Hornbeam (Carpinus Betulus) trees which form a ring around the top of a mountain peak called Häusleberg. It is approximately 1001 meters (3284ft) above sea level.

The circle of trees opens to the northwest and offers a dazzling view of a large valley from Kirchzarten to Freiburg. Sitting here at sunset gives one a sense of being protected by these magnificent trees, these ancient beings. I have always wondered: “how many people have they seen, how many scenes they must have observed over time? Human life seems so transitory in comparison.”

Park people, Park quotes… a few Park dogs and Park music

David M. Grossman – USA 


David says: 

When I think of parks I think of refuge, a kind of respite in cities from cement, cars, businesses, buildings, noise  the rush of civilization. Parks are the lungs of a city. Grass, trees and plants, paths and birds, dogs chasing squirrels and oh yes people all kinds of people.

Public parks are democratic institutions where people from various walks of life, economic situations, races, religions and everything else share the same space, most often in a relaxed and pleasant way.

Politicians should have to spend at least one year in a park before taking office.    

The following photos were taken with the consent of the subjects, either directly or by a kind of silent agreement, an awareness they were being photographed. Some of the people I already knew, others meeting for the first time.

All are better off for spending time in a park.


Meeting Emilia, the second time around

David M. Grossman meets Emelia, chapter two


Thew other day while walking through a sunlit New York park with my daughter, I noticed a small bent over person coming our way. I knew almost immediately that it had to be Emilia. It has been well over a year since I first met her.   I called to her, she instantly responded with the same warmth and radiance I remember, although she didn’t recall me at first.

A note from Joma Sipe in Portugal (June-July 2022)

Joma photo 490x550

Joma, the driven artist, sincere seeker and devoted collector

I’d like to share the artwork that I created for Easter 2022, the LYS - The Flower of Light or The Water-Lilies of Gabriel, which symbolism is better explained in the attached document below. This symbol was inspired by a line written by H. P. Blavatsky in Isis Unveiled, when she compares the Flower of Lys, the Lily, to the Lotus Flower of the Egyptians and Hindus, and also points to a correlation between these and The Water-Lilies of Gabriel.

For the first time I participated in doing an NFT ( i.e. nonfungible token) sale through a web platform associated with trees. The sales-profit was used to plant trees on various locations in Portugal. To make the design for 13 different trees was a very interesting and rewarding project

Be welcome …always

A mystical observation by Richard Dvořák   

richard dvořák

Richard, worldcitizen, photographer. author and theosophist

During our walk yesterday, Gudrun, my wife for 27 years, and I, were talking about Putin’s war but we fell silent after some time, mainly because it is hard to talk while walking “uphill” at a fast pace.

I began working out ideas for this specific contribution to Theosophy Forward. When we reached the top, this row of poplars always seems to greet me from afar, and a photo series shot during the blue hour in the winter of 2016 came to my mind.

A note from Joma Sipe in Portugal (March-April 2022)

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Joma Sipe

After I had finished my work for the frontispiece for the first Salon of Theosophy 2020, the frontispiece for The European School of Theosophy 2021 and the frontispiece for The Lucifer Collection 2021, I prepared the SOW (School of The Wisdom) Certificate that will be issued to students of the Adyar School of The Wisdom. This SOW Certificate has a lot of symbolism related to Theosophy and Adyar. It is explained in the attached link below.