Kissing, Caring and Loving

David Grossman – USA

David, a professional photographer and life-long Theosophist, regularly contributes to Theosophy Forward. This time his theme is a rather intimate one: Kissing, Caring and Loving. The 2020 world is not really a harmonious, peaceful or loving place, though Love is supposed to be the cement of the universe. As the well-known Burt Bacharach and Hal David song goes: “What the world needs now is Love, sweet Love, it’s the only thing that there’s just too little of.”

So, let’s kiss, care and love …….

The 13 images are accompanied by quotations and sayings, underscoring the moments caught on David’s camera.

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It's the kind of kiss that inspires stars to climb into the sky and light up the world.

A note from Joma Sipe in Portugal - December/January

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Joma Sipe, a gentle soul and fine artist

As always, I am very pleased to share with the readers of Theosophy Forward what I was up to recently.

Have been pretty occupied preparing the details of my major exhibition in the city of Porto. It took place between November 9 and December 6. Much needed to be done. I gladly show you the poster of the exhibition below.

Photos by Richard Dvořák - SUN SHOTS

In this series I will focus on one specific quality of our sun. These photos concentrate on the nurturing quality of this star, a coming home induced by the warmth of the sun’s rays, and a providing and a letting be in its constant and punctual presence. The sun is too bright to be looked at directly, so we always need some kind of a filter, like a haze.

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This image is an evening shot, about 1/2 hour before sundown, taken in a riverbed close to Dehradun, India in mid-February 2016. The haze is a result from evaporated water and a very fine dust.

When things are good!

David Grossman – USA

Note from the editor. David regularly contributes to Theosophy Forward. Last November we published his “When things are not so good” series. His current contribution, showing us quite the opposite, entitled “When things are good”, will certainly make you think and smile. David. a professional photographer living in New York with his wife and daughter, is a master in catching people’s emotions of any sort, but also those of his dog Pluto. The eight photos you are about to see represent the better and happier moments in our lives. The images are accompanied by quotations, underscoring the moments caught on camera.

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Home is where the dog runs to greet you. (unknown)

When things are not so good

David Grossman – USA

Note from the editor. David regularly contributes to Theosophy Forward with wonderful photo series. His current contribution entitled “When things are not so good” will certainly make you think. David is skillful in catching very personal moments and loves to photograph people’s emotions of any sort. The five photos you are about to see represent instants when things are not so good, typically dealing with themes such as hopelessness, grief, care in times of need, human loss and remembrance. The photos are accompanied by quotations underscoring the moments caught on camera.

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There are far too many silent sufferers. Not because they don't yearn to reach out, but because they've tried and found no one who cares. - Richelle E. Goodrich

Photos by Richard Dvořák – MOON SHOTS

Richard, currently living in Germany and who is a member of the TS-Adyar there, is a well-known figure in Adyar circles, he says:

“I love taking photos of the moon and the sun. This series will be about the moon, the next series, later this year, will about the sun.”

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This was taken on the roof of Leadbeater Chambers in Adyar, mid-January 2016. It is a long exposure (30 seconds), the multiple exposure effect stems from shortening the focal length of the telephoto lens (from 640 down to about 200mm). The feeling evoked is somewhat from an oriental fairy tale - like The Thousand and One Nights or Layla and Majnun 

A note from Joma Sipe in Portugal


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Joma Sipe, a fine artist

Like always I am more than happy to inform readers of Theosophy Forward about what I have been doing recently.

Mentioned in my previous contribution to Theosophy Forward that I was working on a new mandala series, following the Sri Yantra Series with a symbol representing a Merkaba. This time I am using silver based ink pens and white crystals, each with a different and special design around the main symbol.