New insights into how Mars became uninhabitable

Gale crater

Gale crater

NASA's Curiosity rover, currently exploring Gale crater on Mars, is providing new details about how the ancient Martian climate went from potentially suitable for life -- with evidence for widespread liquid water on the surface -- to a surface that is inhospitable to terrestrial life as we know it.

Peace Practice – Cultivating Inner Peace - Outer Harmony

Kenneth Small – USA

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YOU are the eyes of the world


Deep Silence, the Angry Yak and YOU: The Tibetan Monk’s retreat, cutting Through our Fear, Anxiety, Anger and Delusion

Death by Complexity  

Tim Wyatt - England 

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The author near the village church of Rudston, East Yorkshire which has the UK's tallest megalith standing 27 feet tall

For many decades we’ve found ourselves swerving on a steep upward curve of ever-increasing complexity fuelled by the relentless ascent of Information Technology, Artificial Intelligence and other assorted bits of technology in what I suggest is fast becoming digital tyranny. This complexity has spawned the deeply flawed belief that simplicity is somehow primitive, uncivilized and therefore undesirable, something which doesn’t belong in the modern age. Some feel it should be consigned to the past.


Joy (In the Light of Theosophy)

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Life is difficult and throws challenges. But even in the darkest times there is hope. Joy is present at all times, we just have to recognize it. “Finding joy in the little things can be a game-changer. A smile from a stranger, a beautiful sunrise, the laughter of children, and scores of other little things bring joy to life,” write Jaya Row. We miss out on these joys because either we are too busy chasing after external objects, or preoccupied with worry and anxiety. Our mind tends to focus on something that we do not have. When our mind is focused on a future achievement, we miss enjoying what we already have. As soon as we get what we wanted, our mind shifts to something else. This goes on endlessly. As a result, we find ourselves always unhappy, miserable and agitated.


Peace Practice, Seeing the ‘Enemy’ in our Mirror – Transforming Fear into Compassion, Inner Peace - Outer Harmony

Kenneth Small – USA


We have met the enemy and he is us

Transforming Cycles of Inner Dissonance and Outer Violence

The root of war is fear. Fearing the unknown in others is reflective of our fear of the unknown within ourselves. Accepting our fear of the unknown rejected parts within us and owning what we projected unconsciously onto the ‘enemy’, transforms our inner fears enhancing our inner peace and outer harmony.

Accepting the root of our fear, giving it the awareness it needs to grow by welcoming our fears, seeing and accepting them, transforms these fears into the inner empathic sensing elements we need. Unblocking our empathic capacity into broader compassion opens a way to see the intrinsic humanity in our perceived ‘enemy’. Rejecting the inherent humanity in others, degrades and rejects the humanity in ourselves. Through inner work, meditation and contemplative inquiry we may begin to see our shared common ground that holds all beings within the unified web of life, which then motivates us to engage in greater expressions of compassion and peace making for the greater good.


Power of plants: Biomass-based polymer that can absorb and release carbon dioxide

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A new, biomass-based material developed by FAMU-FSU College of Engineering researchers can be used to repeatedly capture and release carbon dioxide.

The material is primarily made from lignin, an organic molecule that is a main component of wood and other plants, and it can take up carbon dioxide (CO2) from concentrated sources or directly from the air. The research was published by Advanced Materials.

The Twelve Keys

Jouko Ikonen – Finland

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Jouko, a lifelong seeker. He is member of the Theosophical Society (Adyar) and The Finnish Rosy Cross


When you work in the world, keep nature clean so that future generations can take pleasure in its purity. Leave the earth, water, air, and fire clean for those that will come after you, as your ancestors left them for you.

When you work on your inner self, watch over your emotions and thoughts so they are clean for yourself and others.

In this way, you will gradually build your being—your soul, spirit, and physical body—to be pure and brilliant, and you will be ready to encounter what is highest in you.

Esoteric Egypt

Kathleen Hall – Canada

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My fascination with Egypt began in my childhood. We had a wonderful old set of the Books of Knowledge, and I would often sit curled up in a big, overstuffed chair in my family’s study pouring through these books and looking at all the magnificent places on our planet. When I came to the section on the Seven Wonders of the World, I was in complete awe of the grandeur and mystery of these sites and, in particular, the pyramids. Sharing this information one day to an older, blind gentleman at one of our family dinners he told me I must be sure to travel to Egypt one day and see these wonders for myself.